
Give the joy of a toy this Christmas

10 November 2022

RT Edgar Mornington Peninsula is on a drive to collect toys for Christmas.

Western Port Community Support is a not-for-profit, volunteer centre providing emergency relief and crisis support for families. Their Annual Christmas Giving Program provides over 350 food hampers to families who are doing it tough, along with toys for children up to 13 years of age.

RT Edgar Mornington Peninsula is helping by collecting toy and food donations at our Flinders and Blairgowrie offices.

Help us spread a little joy this Christmas and donate to those in need. Donations can be non-perishable food items or children's toys, for children up to 13 years of age.

Only new toys can be accepted and they need to be unwrapped so toys can be matched for each child.

Drop your donations at either office prior to December 5th.


RT Edgar Mornington Peninsula
Flinders Office: 52 Cook Street, Flinders.
Blairgowrie: Office: 2843 Point Nepean Road, Blairgowrie.

If you would like any further information please contact: (03) 5989 0599

For more information on Western Port Community Support contact: | (03) 5979 2762